Hot Shot’s Secret genuine TBN Booster Oil Additive in a 32oz. bottle. TBN Booster is an oil additive that raises the total base detergent number in engine oil. Fresh product in stock and ready to ship today.
Hot Shot’s Secret TBN Booster – Diesel Oil Additive
- Replenishes Detergents and Dispersants to Maintain Effectiveness
- Limits Wear and Extends Life of Engine Oil
- Increases Engine Combustion Efficiency
- Decreases Oxidation that Causes Soot
- Extends Oil Change Interval
- Increase TBN up to 6 Points
- Increases Lubricity
- Eliminates Sludge
Treatment Rate:
Depends upon how much you want to raise your TBN number. Adding 0.19oz. TBN Booster per quart of oil raises TBN by 1 number. Add TBN Booster to oil that has a low TBN number. TBN can only be determined by oil analysis. As oil ages TBN number decreases.
For example:
5.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 1oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (2 for 2, 3 for 3, 4 for 4, 5 for 5) and 6oz. to raise it 6 points.
10.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 2oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (4 for 2, 6 for 3, 8 for 4, 10 for 5) and 12oz. to raise it 6 points.
15.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 3oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (6 for 2, 9 for 3, 12 for 4, 15 for 5) and 18oz. to raise it 6 points.
20.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 4oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (8 for 2, 12 for 3, 16 for 4, 20 for 5) and 24oz. to raise it 6 points.
25.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 5oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (10 for 2, 15 for 3, 20 for 4, 25 for 5) and 30oz. to raise it 6 points.
30.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 6oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (12 for 2, 18 for 3, 24 for 4, 30 for 5) and 36oz. to raise it 6 points.
35.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 7oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (14 for 2, 21 for 3, 28 for 4, 35 for 5) and 42oz. to raise it 6 points.
40.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 8oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (16 for 2, 24 for 3, 32 for 4, 40 for 5) and 48oz. to raise it 6 points.
45.0 quarts diesel oil capacity use 9oz. to raise TNB by 1 point (18 for 2, 27 for 3, 36 for 4, 45 for 5) and 54oz. to raise it 6 points.
Desmoparts keeps a large inventory on a full range of not only Hot Shot’s Secret, but Alliant Power, and Stanadyne additives as well. Whatever your choice in these quality fuel additives know that Desmoparts will pack the product well and deliver to your door in a timely manner.
Desmoparts has plenty of product in stock and ships daily. This item is not allowed to ship via air and we do not ship this item internationally. Additive is professionally packaged and labeled well for a safe arrival to your door.
- 100% Hot Shot’ Secret genuine product
- One flat price delivered to your door.
- We usually ship product out the same day.
- Professionally packaged and labeled to insure safe arrival.
- No questions asked returns if you change your mind later.